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Introducing the 3Doolder and some of the designs it can produce
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The 3Doodler collection
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3Doodled butterfly
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3Doodled Jewellery
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The 3Doodler's original mechanism,
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A 3Doodled ostrich, not a velociraptor!
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That's a big ostrich if that is to scale!
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A cross section of the 3Doodler's insides
Do you wish you could turn those scribbles of yours into actual 3D prints without the need for 3D modelling software? Here's a startup who think they've got the answer to your prayers.
Introducing 3Doodler, the world’s first handheld 3D printer. Coming out of WobbleWorks LLC in Boston, the 3Doodler launched on Kickstarter just hours ago, has already received more than half of its requested backing and no doubt, within a couple of hours, will be fully funded.
From the mind of MIT Media Lab inventor Pete Dilworth and with the project management experience of RobioSapiens’ Max Bogue the 3Doolder is hoping to be the first 3D printing pen to hit the mainstream.
You don’t need any 3D modelling software or experience; if you know how to use a pen then you know how to use 3Doodler. Using the same filaments as most desktop 3D printers and using, basically, the same heating and cooling principles you can get creating with a 3Doodler in a matter of minutes.
As well as offering stencils to users 3Doodler are already collaborating with established Etsy wire artists to showcase the full ability of 3Doodler. We can’t wait to see some of the 3D printed designs squirted out of the end of the 3Doodler.
Take a look at our 3Doolder gallery…
UPDATE: As of 14:30 GMT The 3Doodler pen has been on kickstarter for nine hours, it has currently achieved close to 200% of its goal of $30,000.