Automotive 3D scanning
3D scanning technology is put to the test live at TCT Show 2014.
3D imaging and measurement technologies have been pinpointed as crucial to the advancement of the automotive sector in a recent study.
According to Research and Markets' 2014 Report on the International Image Recognition Market - Forecast to 2019, 3D object and facial recognition hardware and software are building a solid foundation for providing top of the line solutions for a wide range of applications.
The report listed automotive safety, car security and parking assistance in a long list that included surveillance, forensics, social media, medical sciences and M-commerce, pinpointing just some of the major areas this technology is making progress within.
Indeed, image recognition has been applied in almost every field in the modern world, even though the ability to capture 3D data is in fact still in an introduction phase. Research and Markets singled out automotive brands Toshiba and Hitachi as early adopters of this maturing technology.
"The image recognition market research report analyses global adoption trends, future growth potential, key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and best practices in this market," the report stated. "The report also analyses market sizes and revenue forecasts across different geographies as well as industry verticals."