Aurora Labs to advance the certification of its 3D printed parts.
Australian metal 3D printing company, Aurora Labs, has signed a non-binding term sheet with DNV GL, a quality assurance and risk assessment company, to deliver a certification framework for 3D printed parts in industries such as oil and gas and maritime.
The agreement proposes to create an end-to-end process and certification standard to independently certify parts printed on Aurora’s machines. The term sheet aims to certify parts throughout the entire process including powder testing, printing, the printing environment and design validation.
“This partnership is a substantial achievement for Aurora as it will ultimately allow for certification of our 3D printed parts as for their intended purpose,” David Budge, Managing Director and Interim Chairman explained. “This is particularly important as many industries such as oil and gas and marine require certification of parts in order to be able to utilise them in their facilities. DNV GL will support us in helping establish certification covering the whole value chain from powders to parts, certifying the technical performance of our technology, and independently endorsing our processes and products.”
Brice Le Gallo, Regional Manager for SEA and Australia, DNV GL, Oil and Gas added: “While additive manufacturing is raising more and more interest in various industries, the adoption level in the oil and gas and maritime industries is still slow due to challenges in qualification and certification. We are pleased to partner with Aurora and believe that our collaboration will help advance the use of AM for the oil and gas and marine industries.”