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Central Scanning and Steinbichler UK team do 'Movember'
Central Scanning's Tom Looking Sharp
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Central Scanning and Steinbichler UK team do 'Movember'
Seems Legit
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Central Scanning and Steinbichler UK team do 'Movember'
'Can you step out of the vehicle please sir...'
The boys ‘and girls’ at Central Scanning and Steinbichler UK are raising money to increase awareness of prostate and testicular cancers and mental health issues in men.
Our aim is to raise money for the Movember Foundation and we are asking for donations via our website link http://uk.movember.com/mospace/8645197
If you have any spare money to sponsor this worthy cause, please either donate via our website link or give Catherine or Kay a call in the office on 01527 558282/837283 if you would rather send a cheque. (Please remember that if donating on line to tick the GIFT AID section as Movember Europe can increase the amount donated if you are a UK tax payer by 25%).
Simple – we look silly for a month (have a look at the website for evidence of that!), you donate some spare cash and the money raised helps us all!
Let’s see how much the TCT readership can raise for this worthy cause???