Creaform lab accreditation
Creaform, a leading company in the development of 3D measurement solutions has seen its Canada head office receive the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation from the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).
The ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation is an internationally recognised standard for testing and calibration. Laboratories accredited as per the ISO/IEC 17025 standard have demonstrated their technical competencies related to the calibration of its technologies. Creaform also follows the ASME B89.4.22 Standard for its acceptance testing and holds an ISO 9001:2008 certification for its quality management system.
“With an increasing demand for rigorous quality control, this recognition reaffirms our commitment to quality to our clients and further solidifies our position as a metrology-grade manufacturer,” said Daniel Brown, Creaform’s Product Management Director.
Karl Chabot, Creaform’s Quality and Regulatory Affairs Manager added: “This designation means that Creaform uses the highest calibration laboratory management standards and has the technical competencies to guarantee that its 3D measurement products meet their technical specifications. This certification for the HandyPROBE Next optical portable CMM product line-up serves as a recognised warranty of consistency in the delivery of high quality and traceable products.”
Creaform’s lab was formally accredited on March 15th 2017, showing full compliance with the international testing standard in the field of calibration. It proceeded some other notable developments at Creaform, which also provides 3D scanning, reverse engineering, quality control, non-destructive testing, and numerical simulation solutions. In May, the company announced its HandySCAN 3D scanning series had been certified by Airbus, and earlier this month, Creaform revealed the extension of its expertise in non-destructive testing to the aerospace industry.