Internationally renowned portable 3D measurement technology leader Creaform has launched the next generation of handheld 3D scanners.
The company has unveiled two new incarnations of the Go!SCAN3D handheld scanner with both versions providing unmatched speedy and reliable 3D measurements while also offering the easiest portable 3D scanning experience for users on the market.
Both devices present an enormous leap forward in scanning speed and data quality when compared to its predecessors and the scanners are ideal for general scanning applications, in particular reverse engineering and modelling.
The Go!SCAN50 was designed to measure the shape of medium to larger parts, typically 300 mm upwards, and therefore offers optimal flexibility when scanning a wide range of objects. The Go!SCAN20 is specifically designed for use with smaller objects, typically 5 cm to 50 cm in size, and delivers maximum resolution on objects with intricate details. For this reason, the Go!SCAN20 is purpose designed as the perfect companion for 3D printers, as it fulfils all of the accuracy and detail requirements while focusing on the typical 3D printer measuring volume.
The new generation of Go!SCAN3D builds on the already proven technology of the previous generation of Creaform scanners, and customers will attest to the Go!SCAN3D’s multitude of benefits, including:
- High speed: Objects are typically scanned in five minutes or less
- Professional-grade measurements: The Go!SCAN3D provides an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm and resolution of up to 0.2 mm
- Full-colour 3D models: Users can easily and simultaneously capture high-quality geometry, along with surface texture and colour
- TRUsimplicity: Extremely simple scanning process with minimal learning curve, enables novices to generate high quality scan data
- Point and shoot: No preparation or complicated setup is required, so the scanner is up and running in less than two minutes
- TRUportability: There is no need for positioning devices, such as a measuring arm, and the system can even be battery powered for total flexibility.
Go!SCAN 3D scanners are tailored to the unique needs of a multitude of applications, including:
- Product development engineers and technicians from all industries
- Engineers who use CAD
- 3D printing professionals
- Museology, heritage preservation, restoration and digital archiving
- 3D scanning for research, analysis and publishing
- Multimedia, entertainment, computer graphics, and special effects.
Iain Caville, Managing Director of Measurement Solutions, Creaform’s sales and support partner in the UK, said: "Thanks to this latest generation of Go!SCAN3D, scanning for professional engineers has never been easier. With the addition of color and the unique intelligent hybrid positioning system, the Go!SCAN3D represents the only go-to, all-around solution for professional-grade 3D scanning and serious scanning applications."
At the same time as the Go!SCAN3D release, Creaform also launched the revolutionary VXModel post treatment software for 3D scan data. The software enables rapid finalization of 3D scan data for direct use in 3D printing or CAD modelling applications, without the need to invest in high-end third party software. VXModel has been developed by Creaform following the completion of many thousands of reverse engineering projects, and incorporates only the features and tools necessary to complement your existing CAD or 3D printing software, such that users have the simplest and fastest path from 3D scan data to their CAD or additive manufacturing workflow.
Being directly integrated within the Go!SCAN3D’s standard data capture software, VXelements, the software combines easy-to-use tools for a complete data treatment workflow, including:
- Alignment: Connect the scan data directly to the object’s datum coordinate system
- Geometrical Entities: Use the 3D scan as a reference to create geometrical features, curves, cross sections and even NURBS freeform surfaces, thereby segmenting the mesh to produce all of the entities required to complete the design in your own CAD system
- Mesh Improvement: Improve the 3D scan mesh with surface repair tools such as healing, hole filling, mesh decimation and file size optimisation
- Mesh Editing: Make your scan data watertight to generate “3D printer ready” files for your rapid manufacturing workflow.
Both the Go!SCAN3D and VXModel are designed to be easy-to-use with minimal training requirements, yet capable of producing professional-grade results at a cost-effective price. Measurement Solutions are able to provide on-site demonstrations of both systems, and to explain the complete end-to-end process from object to CAD or 3D print data.