Central Scanning
Central Scanning have taken delivery of their first EVA scanner this week and are pleased to say she is even better than expected. The all new design packaging has dropped the weight of the new scanner to an incredible 800 grams, and the improvements don’t stop there. Improved flash design to further enhance the texture capture and tracking are included.
Everything down to the USB connection has been improved, to make for an even more durable and robust scanner. Eva has been brought out to replace the MHT and MH scanners in the Artec line up and will sit alongside the L and S scanners as Artec’s flagship model.
Nick Godfrey, Director at Central Scanning explained: “We are pleased at the outcome of EVA and are looking forward to all the new and exciting opportunities the scanner will bring to the company.”
EVA is set to break the mould when it comes to affordable low cost scanning, by producing high-quality 3D models in an ever-expanded data export format. Central Scanning is now taking demo requests, so get in touch to book your free onsite demonstration of the latest scanner in the UK!