Anycubic has unveiled two new 3D printing solutions that it says will address pain points for users of two widely used types of printers. In the LCD printer market, the company has announced the Photon Mono M5s, a consumer-grade resin printer with a levelling free feature. In FDM, Anycubic has announced a high-speed entry-level 3D printer, the Kobra 2.
Photon Mono M5s brings a resolution of 12K in a 10.1-inch monochrome LCD screen. According to Anycubic, the high-resolution screen allows users to print models with details at a level of 19µm. The company claims the new printer is the first desktop consumer resin 3D printer with a levelling-free solution.
Anycubic says that combined with the application of its 3rd gen highspeed release film, the printing success rate is raised. The company claims that the system boosts printing efficiency three times to an average speed of 105mm/h, and saves up to 74% printing time.
Anycubic says that the Kobra 2 is the fastest printer of its line, with a default speed of 150mm/s and a maximum of 250mm/s. The company claims the printer reduces print time by up to 70%, as it only needs up 30 minutes for a print.
“At Anycubic, we strive to provide our community with the best 3D printing products and technology while keeping in mind a good balance between practical functionalities and cost. Bringing the cost down and making 3D printing technology accessible to most families is the goal of our business,” said James Ouyang, Vice President of Anycubic.
Kobra 2 incorporates a direct extruder with a new dynamic mechanic structure, an upgraded cooling system , and a double Z-axis threaded rod design, and also features the company’s 2.0 LeviQ levelling system and smart Z-offset.
The two new 3D printers launched on May 15, 2023.
In late 2022, Anycubic held its first education incubation project with Yale Funbotics, with the aim of introducing children to 3D printing.