From top: Tough 3D Ink and ABS-R
Following on from one of the world's most successful 3D printing Kickstarter stories for its simple Micro 3D printer, M3D, a tech firm focused on simplifying complex technologies, has announced a new class of 3D printing materials at CES 2016, Tough 3D Ink and ABS-R.
Tough 3D Ink offers unprecedented utility for 3D printing due to its strength and controlled amount of rigidity and flexibility, allowing consumers to print longer-lasting objects, bonded at full strength.
Tough 3D Ink is odourless and can be printed in a range of flexibilities or rigidity to suit different needs. It has been designed to be reliable and withstand warping and extreme temperatures. What’s more, when used with M3D’s flagship Micro 3D Printer, it can print at speeds up to 400% faster than similar materials.
ABS-R is an ABS replacement filament for engineering needs that has increased bonding, lower warp and doesn’t require a heated print bed. ABS has traditionally been the material of choice as standard engineering material and ABS-R can produce rigid objects with a softer feel than PLA, making it a more accessible alternative while still offering the same capabilities of ABS.
“Often hyped within the context of the digital revolution, people are buying 3D printers to explore this new technology and its creative applications, but they can run into limitations with today’s ABS and PLA as the standard printing material,” Michael Armani, CEO at M3D, explained. “Seeing all the benefits of Tough 3D Ink™ in our test groups suggests that it will be favored over traditional materials across nearly all applications, and ABS-R™ is set to become a mainstream alternative to traditional ABS filaments. That’s why we’re supporting both materials in early 2016 as our new core filaments for the Micro so that our users can find truly lasting applications.”
M3D can be found at the Sands Hall A-C 3D Printing Marketplace, booth #73110. Keep up to date with the latest from the Marketplace on our dedicated CES page.