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PowerSHAPE mould copy
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10 Reasons Why You Need PowerSHAPE 2014
Discover 10 good reasons why you need PowerSHAPE 2014 if you have a CNC machine tool!
Delcam's PowerSHAPE CAD software with its broad range of functionality for the conversion of product designs into tooling designs will be on show on stand 4011 at MACH.
The software now provides a powerful set of easy-to-use tools to increase productivity through increased automation and improved workflow.
The Solid Doctor in PowerSHAPE has offered quick and easy repair of imported data from other CAD systems for many years. For the 2014 release, these capabilities have been enhanced with the addition of the Smart Feature Manager. PowerSHAPE can already recognise a variety of solid features within imported 'dumb' geometry, such as fillets, slots, bosses etc. The Smart Feature Manager allows users to identify all these features within a solid in a single operation and so makes the analysis of the imported data easier and faster.
The software includes a set of filters so that all the features that fulfil specific criteria can be identified within the model. For example, the Smart Feature Manager can find all the holes having the same, specified diameter, or those having radii between two values. Similarly, if a single feature is selected, all similar features can be identified with a single click.
Once the particular group has been isolated, all the features within it can be suppressed or deleted simultaneously. Creating groups of similar features also makes it easier to manage the feature tree.
One common problem for tooling designers is finding fillets that are too small for successful filling of the mould. The Smart Feature Manager can be used to identify all the fillets having radii less than a particular size so that they can be modified to more suitable values.
Another common requirement for tooling design is adding draft surfaces and split surfaces to the model. These modifications and similar repetitive tasks have been made simpler through the addition of 'Apply' buttons to all the surface-creation dialogues that allow multiple operations or operations on multiple surfaces without leaving the form. Clicking the right mouse button has the same effect as pressing 'Apply', which further speeds up repetitive operations.
The core/cavity separation wizard in PowerSHAPE has been a key option for toolmakers for many years. This functionality has been rewritten to make it even faster and more effective. It divides the solid model into core and cavity pieces that can then be separated dynamically using a simple slider.
Any ambiguous faces can be assigned to the appropriate side, while any regions where slides or lifters might be required can be allocated to a completely new line of draw. If required, individual faces can be split and then attached to the correct part of the tool.
Throughout the process, clear graphical feedback, including undercut shading, highlights any potential moulding issues arising from the design so these can be corrected at an early stage in the mould design process.
Full details of PowerSHAPE, including video demonstrations of the latest functionality and the option to download an evaluation version, are available online.