PolyClean System
Schmitt Ultraschalltechnik's EuroMold debut this week has included a showcase of its effective 3D printing support material removal technologies.
Based in Laemmerspiel near Frankfurt, Schmitt offers the industry two solutions for removing support structure from FDM and Polyjet materials.
Technical Designer and Owner of Schmitt Ultraschalltechnik Roland Schmitt said: “The fast availability of 3D prototypes is a highly topical subject. [Even though] the fast production of 3D prints is impressive, the availability of the final product is ... often delayed due to time consuming and often manual removal of the support material.
"The better alternative is our fast, efficient and economical removal utilising our system which we sepcifically developed for this purpose. After extensive tests with different support materials regarding the ideal calibration and matching of frequency, amplitude, cleaning liquid, interval and temperature we can now offer a solution, which removes the support structure of your 3D prints in a cost- and time efficient way."
The systems are available with different liquid capacities as straight Turbulent Flow systems and as a combined Ultrasonic/Turbulent Flow systems. The systems PolyClean 3D and FDM-Clean 3D are designed to clean multiple objects simultaneously. The objects are placed into a metal basket, which is hooked into the system. The combined Ultrasonic/Turbulent Flow system is controlled by an electronic interval program: the ultrasonic sequence loosens the support structure particles and the Turbulent Flow sequence dissolves the particles and washes them off.
Depending on the kind of support material, its thickness and complexity, the removal can be perceptibly faster than before. The removal can (depending on the material) also be done unattended overnight.
Schmitt Ultraschalltechnik serves several industry markets with special solutions for ultrasonic cleaning of miscellaneous materials and products. Besides the industrial cleaning solutions Schmitt also offers solutions for the leisure and sports markets.