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The following products will be available to see on the Steinbichler stand during TCT Live later this month, and the team will be on hand with all the information you need for your inspection, imaging, scanning and metrology needs.
- Steinbichler T Scan CS 3D Hand Held Laser Scanner — Superb data capture even on shiny surfaces, fast scanning rate, accurate, easy to use
- Steinbichler Comet L3D Blue LED Fringe Projection System — Portable, flexibility through measuring volumes and camera resolutions, high accuracy and repeatability, affordable
- Steinbichler Comet 5 11 Mega Pixel White Light Fringe Projection System — High end system, superb accuracy, repeatability and detail capture, several measuring volumes from 80mm to 1000mm
- Steinbichler ABIS Otimizer – Worlds First Portable Surface Inspection System -— Tripod mounted surface inspection system, fast data capture and analysis, definitive
- Steinbichler Photogrammetry — Industry proven and affordable all in one solution with direct software integration to Steinbichler 3D Scanning systems
In addition to the products listed above, Steinbichler can add automation to virtually any of the products manufactured using the Steinbichler ‘Visio’ software, which provides full simulation, off line programme, collision detection etc to make automated digitsing work for your business. Steinbichler are one of the world leaders in non-contact measuring technologies and is celebrating it’s 25th year in business this year. The company is run by Dr Marcus Steinbichler and has maintained its philosophy of developing and selling high-quality products with a friendly, experienced and professional team for our clients to work with.
It would be great to see you at the TCT Live event and we look forward to having an informal discussion with you about any 3D digitising products that you may be interested in.