Telemaque MySon, via Wikimedia Commons
Jet engine
Rapid manufacturing, vacuum casting, metal casting and selective laser melting specialist SLM Solutions is set to attend a key event in the aerospace manufacturing calendar.
The Lubeck-headquartered business is due to present innovative ideas for aerospace - a growth area in terms of applications for additive technologies - at the Additive Aerospace Summit.
SLM Solutions is set to participate in a panel discussion at the Los Angeles-based event, which runs from October 16th-18th. Aerospace applications are among the most exacting of all material engineering industries and more work needs to be done to perfect advanced manufacturing techniques within the industry. SLM Solutions hopes to communicate this fact and that in order to fully integrate additive manufacturing into the existing aerospace manufacturing supply chain, a number of issues need to be resolved.
The Additive Aerospace Summit is considered a must-attend event for Additive Fabrication Servicing and participants will be able to get up to speed with the latest developments in performance, modeling, standards and certification of additive materials and products.
For the first time, senior representatives from the Department of Defense, global OEMs, contractors, leading vendors and developers of high-performance additive platforms and materials, software providers, fabrication shops, laboratories and universities will gather to discuss what they need in order to drive the emerging additive aerospace market forward.
Henner Schöneborn, Executive Vice-President of SLM Solutions, will be speaking in one of the panel discussions. In order to help the aerospace industries meet the challenges of additive manufacturing, leading researchers and manufacturer will debate how additive equipment vendors see the evolution of high performance materials capabilities? Moreover, they will investigate what is being done to address the concerns of OEMs with regards to standards. SLM Solutions is deeply involved in research and development in partnership with renowned universities and institutes and so Schöneborn's opinions will bring much to the table.
Schöneborn commented: "The common goal is the research and development of efficient and high quality solutions for the production of prototypes and small series and individual series products under the premise to provide customers with the highest possible productivity with flexibility."
Other representatives at the industry summit include Michael Mahler, Program Manager Defense Sciences Office, Darpa, Dr Douglas Hofman of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, and Dr William Frazier, Chief Scientist at Naval Air Systems Command.