The 2017 edition of the solidThinking Design Suite is now available packed with a host of new features that increase motion and visualisation capabilities for designers and engineers.
The latest release, which features both flagship solidThinking products, Inspire 2017 and Evolve 2017, focuses on improving current product usability with multiple new user-requested features including new tools for motion analysis, topography optimisation, symmetry, and depth of field.
“We are incredibly proud of the 2017 releases. Inspire was the first tool to market that focused on putting generative design in the hands of design engineers and it continues to be a world-class product,” Jim Hassberger, President of solidThinking explained. “The latest release definitively positions it to be a leader for years to come. Evolve’s flexibility and combination of polygonal, solid parametric, and organic surface modelling, as well as built in rendering and construction history make it one of the fastest and most flexible design tools on the market today.”
Andy Bartels, Program Manager, added: “With Inspire 2017, we improved our already great generative design product Inspire, by adding motion tools that enable design engineers to investigate system motion to predict loads for moving parts. Never before has it been so easy to mechanise a model or perform a motion analysis.”

Inspire 2017 workflow.
Key Inspire 2017 updates:
- New Motion tool allows users to easily mechanise their models and investigate system motion to predict loads for moving parts.
- Topography Optimisation tools can be used to change shapes of shell structures by introducing stamped bead patterns for better structural performance.
- Updated Partition Tools allow users to divide a part into design and non-design regions by selecting a hole, pocket, or face to offset.
- Bolt Pretension tool allows users to achieve more accurate results when bolts are under pretension.

Evolve allows designers to create concept models in minutes.
Key Evolve 2017 updates:
- New Planar Symmetry and Radial Symmetry tools have been added to replace the Mirror and Polar Copy tools.
- All images which are rendered inside Evolve now include a Depth Channel (tiff). This Z-depth channel can now be saved in the Image Browser and used in post-processing tools such as Adobe Photoshop to simulate the natural blurring of foreground and background scene elements when viewed through a camera lens.
- New and improved import/export for SVG, PDF 2D, DWG, and DXF formats.
- New length parameter for the Line tool and Rounded Polyline tool.
- Improved Curve Offset tool to work directly on surface edges.
The latest edition is available now and free trials of both products can be requested here.