SLM Solutions 280 2.0 machine
SLM Solutions 280 2.0 machine
Precision engineering company, Zare S.r.l has moved to purchase an SLM Solutions 280 2.0 machine for use in the manufacturing of aerospace components.
Since 2009, the Italian-based company has been providing services in rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, and is now expanding its machinery better serve its customer base.
The 280 2.0 machine was installed at its Boretto location in the last few weeks, and put into operation embedded in Zare’s own machinery. It has sought to acquire the machine because of its suitability in processing high-performance materials and potential use for demanding applications, like those required in the aerospace industry.
Currently, Zare is using the ALSi7Mg0.6 (A357) material, and also has access to Airbus APWorks’ Scalmalloy alloy. It has been testing and defining processes in accordance with the standard UNI EN 9100:2009, making use of the 280 2.0’s construction chamber height. The machine has a build chamber of 280 x 280 x 365 mm-cubed, and it was one of the key reasons Zare designers wanted to take on the platform.
“If you have larger vertical expansion available, then that component in the machine can be aligned better and the number of necessary support elements reduced, which also reduces unwanted tension inside the component,” explains Andrea Pasquali, co-owner of Zare.
Recognising additive manufacturing’s ability to be able to fulfil functional component production needs, Zare has made a real effort to incorporate 3D printing technologies into its repertoire. For eight years, it has boasted 3D printing machinery, and in 2011 made a further step by offering services in post-processing, finishing of prototypes, and preparing dental and medical models.