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ZWCAD Team Vault
Manage Product Data Easily with TeamVault--- ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 accelerates mechanical designs with better product data management, collaborative operation and data history review. It allows multiple users to design in collaboration simultaneously via LAN and WAN. In addition, by using the managed tree, they can easily record the operation process and manage the product data in a more efficient and intuitive way.2 of 2
ZWCAD Super Card
Reduce Design Cycle with Super Card--- ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 provides more types of commonly used card templates in the mechanical industry in order to meet the needs of manufacturing. Also, users can easily customize and edit their own table template.ZWSOFT, a leading supplier of 2D and 3D CAD/CAM solutions to the AEC and MCAD industries, today officially unveiled ZWCAD Mechanical SP1, an upgrade pack which improves on performance in project data management. With more than 10 new features and enhancements, ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 helps to streamline the mechanical drafting processes and improve the design quality.
ZWCAD Mechanical is a ZWCAD+ based software for manufacturing, which includes all the functionalities of ZWCAD+. With comprehensive libraries of standard-based parts and mechanical tools for design and drafting, ZWCAD Mechanical accelerates the mechanical design process, and helps designers save hours of drafting time. Designers can spend more time innovating rather than managing workflow issues.
“ZWCAD has come a long way since its inception, and ZWCAD Mechanical is a mature product that can be used effectively for drafting 2D mechanical drawings.” said Ron Green, a well known professional engineer in an expert review of ZWCAD Mechanical.
When it comes to Service Pack 1, the most surprising enhancement is a more efficient project data management which helps designers to manage mechanical projects and make complex designs easy. Some key features and enhancements are as follows:
Manage Product Data Easily with TeamVault
ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 accelerates mechanical designs with better product data management, collaborative operation and data history review. It allows multiple users to design in collaboration simultaneously via LAN and WAN. In addition, by using the managed tree, they can easily record the operation process and manage the product data in a more efficient and intuitive way.
Reduce Design Cycle with Super Card
ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 provides more types of commonly used card templates in the mechanical industry in order to meet the needs of manufacturing. Also, users can easily customize and edit their own table template.
Increase Design Accuracy with Enhanced Rectangle
ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 provides designers more methods and allows them for easier and more accurate creation of rectangle and square. It further eases their workflow and reduces the need for rework and improving drafting quality.
Drafting Modification is Easier with Power Erase
ZWCAD Mechanical 2012 SP1 enables designers to modify drafting in a more efficient way. With power erase, designers can easily erase the selected object. Furthermore, the dimensions will automatically adjust if a related one is erased resulting in easier modification, simplified design and reduced mistakes.