16th Annual International Conference

This year sees the 16th annual RAPDASA International Conference on Additive Manufacturing jointly hosted by Aerosud ITC, and the CSIR through its National Laser Centre. The conference will take place from 4 to 6 November 2015, and will be hosted in Pretoria, South Africa. The theme for this year's conference is: Additive Manufacturing - Transforming Ideas into Business.
The theme is aimed at focusing on how Additive Manufacturing is impacting on business and industry. The conference will offer participants the opportunity to:
- Gain exposure to the latest developments in the field of AM;
- Share knowledge and ideas through presentations and technical discussions;
- Network with experts from industry, R&D institutions, academia and government;
- Gain firsthand knowledge of the latest AM technology through the conference exhibition.
The event invites industry, local and international research and development groups as well as product development communities to attend and participate.