TCT Magazine + Personalize @ International CES

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TCT Magazine + Personalize — the de facto source of information and intelligence for 3D printing, additive manufacturing and product development technologies — is proud to announce a partnership with the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).
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Kicking off TCT Magazine + Personalize's involvement with International CES and to set the tone for 2014 International CES in Las Vegas in the January, TCT Magazine + Personalize will be at CES Unveiled LONDON on October 1st. This invitation-only event will showcase the dynamism of the technology industry and serve as a precursor to the 2014 International CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. CES Unveiled LONDON will present global research, announce CES news and showcase cutting-edge products and technologies.
Building on this at International CES 2014, TCT Magazine + Personalize will be running a conference track, entitled "Don't Believe the Hype? - 3D Printing Uncovered" that will feature a stellar line up of 3D printing industry heavyweights drawing on TCT Magazine + Personalize's extensive industry contacts and its reputation.
3D printing is an overnight sensation that has been around for 30 years. Consisting of tens of technologies processing hundreds of materials, there's more to it than meets the eye. By gathering together thought leaders from across the ecosystem including 3D printer manufacturers, champions of 3D printing-enabled business models and industrial super users the CES conference track will highlight the power of 3D printing today and in the future.
TCT Magazine + Personalize will also be the official sponsor of the new 3D Printing TechZone at the 2014 International CES, and will exhibit in this new exhibit area dedicated to showcasing the latest 3D printing technology to the 150,000 visitors that International CES attracts.
Duncan Wood, COO of Rapid News Communications Group, which owns the TCT Magazine + Personalize brands, commented: "We are thrilled to announce this partnership, we are delighted to bring our expertise to bear at International CES and look forward to continuing to spread the 3D printing gospel at such a prestigious event as International CES. We are working to bring together a truly world class line up for visitors at the Las Vegas event, one that will open the eyes of all attendees to the possibilities afforded by this incredible technology."
“The International CES has always been the global venue to highlight the most exciting and innovative developments in consumer technology. Continuing this grand tradition, we are excited that 2014 is the year that 3D printing will take a spotlight position at our event, via the TechZone and partnerships like our new alliance with Rapid News,” said Karen Chupka, senior vice president of the International CES and corporate business strategy, CEA. “Rapid News’ expertise is a great addition to the 3D printing lineup at the 2014 CES. We look forward to working with them, in London and Las Vegas, to highlight the benefits of this remarkable technology to the world.”