3DLT and makexyz
Partnerships make the world go round, certainly the 3D printing world anyway, the latest to join forces in the quest to become a 3D printing goliath is 3DLT and makexyz.
A logical step between two companies offering differing services which should enable them to become a sort of open-source Shapeways, i.materialise or Sculpteo.
3DLT is a 3D printing template marketplace, still in BETA it is hoping to take on the likes of Thingiverse. It has been slowly but surely building its reputation back up after a mishap were it was accidentally launched with products it did not own the rights to.
On the other side of this new partnership is makexyz who hope to become the Airbnb of 3D printing, opening up the world’s consumer and industrial 3D printers to turn them into moneymaking machines for the owners.
3DLT has implemented key elements of makexyz’s technology to enable its customers to 3D print the designs they purchase from 3DLT, directly through makexyz’s network of over 500 3D printers.
“Our partnership with makexyz allows even those consumers who don’t have a 3D printer in their home or office, to benefit from the power of 3D printing,” says 3DLT CEO, Pablo Arellano. “3D printing will power the next industrial revolution and working together, we can make that vision a reality for everyday consumers.”
The synergy makes sense in essence; 3DLT provide the recipe, makexyz provide the ingredients and the oven to bake your customised loaf of bread. But whether it is a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, in this day and age on instant gratification, remains to be seen.