A Dodecahedron Speaker can project sound waves in all directions and is a great tool in acoustics research. If you're looking for a fun toy to pull out at a summer party this year then this is the one for you! It is expensive to buy one, but Maker, Sean Ragan, created his very own Dodecahendron Speaker using a 3D printer.
His design of this 12-sided speaker uses a bunch of 3D printed parts such as plugs, bezels and face modules. These parts can all be 3D printed on a RepRap, MakerBot, Up!, MakerGear, Ultimaker, any of those DIY 3D printers as long as it has a build envelope of at least 122 × 122 × 14 mm. The total cost of this project is just under $100, which includes parts and materials.
The high symmetry of the Dodecahedron is amenable to a modular design, and this one consists of four basic parts: the face modules, the vertex plugs, the edge gaskets and the bezels. The speaker grilles are made from hardware store window screen cloth installed in the bezels using rubber spline and a screen roller tool.
Each speaker is only rated at 3W and are wired in a hybrid series-parallel circuit that brings the total array impedance to about 10 ohms, which is suggested should be a comfortable load for most amplifiers.
In addition to this, Sean has wrote a detailed account and tutorial on www.instructables.com to help anyone who is thinking about building one themselves. He also shared all of the model files on www.thingiverse.com as a guide to those interested in this project.