Panasonic at CES
Onwards into 2013 and the 3D Printing machine continues to pick up steam. Here at Personalize we’re just getting through the fog of the festivities and making our plans for the year ahead. It’s probably worth mentioning here that we’re looking for someone to join the team here in the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Group, so if you fancy getting involved (or know someone that would like to join us) drop me an email to james@prsnlz.me.
The first plans we have are to get over to Las Vegas for the CES event next week (sure you don’t want to join us!?). It’s going to be a flying visit — in Wednesday, out Friday — but there’s plenty to do in the hours we are there. There’s only a handful of 3D printing companies taking part but it’s certainly an indication of one of the directions that this industry is headed. For those that don’t know, CES (or the Consumer Electronics Show) is THE place for gadgets, gizmos and tech that will be on our wish lists over the next 12 months and beyond.
This year 3D Systems are taking the lead with a couple of interesting features on the show floor. A recent press release from the Rock Hill outfit hints towards a new line of 3D printers for consumers as well as the Cube Café that visitors to Euromold would have seen last November. In addition to a booth in the main hall (15447) 3D will be demonstrating its commitment to education with a booth (71003) in the ‘MommyTech’ zone… I am intrigued by the whole concept of ‘MommyTech’ and will be interested to see how CES and 3D Systems pull it off.
Stratasys Ltd (which let us not forget is the company formed by the ‘merger’ of Stratasys, Inc., and Objet Ltd last month) will also have a presence on booth 35463. This is perhaps more interesting as both pre-merger companies showed little to no interest in the consumer space and currently don’t have anything that would compete with the Cubes and Makerbots of the world.
Talking of which, Makerbot will also take up residence at the show, demonstrating their wares on booth 32025 — sandwiched between a Taiwanese connector and cable producer and electronics distribution company… This is either a bonus — a Replicator 2 is going to scream at you when placed next to some cables — or a hinderance. That applies to all 3D printing companies at the event. Without a defined ‘zone’ for them, they are dropped onto the floor plan in a seemingly random fashion. Maybe this is what they want, I don’t know. If anyone at CES would like to discuss a Personalize Pavilion at next year’s event, let me know ;)
Formlabs will be there promoting the Form 1, which they are going ahead an making despite protestations from 3D Systems. Probably the most exciting new machine of 2012 I am really looking forward to seeing what the team have been up to since their mammoth KickStarter funding. Their modest booth (35160) will likely see some heavy traffic (once people find them!)
Also on show will be Afinia (36388), Delta Micro Factory Corp. (70524) and EnvisionTEC. Interetsingly, EnvisionTEC are sharing a stand space with Kraftwürx (74411) who, along with Sculpteo (26111) make up the ‘consumer bureau’ sector. No Shapeways or Ponoko though, which is interesting.
Whatever happens heading to a huge consumer show like CES will result in 1000 ideas to discuss for the next iteration of TCT Show + Personalize this September. More of which soon.
Keep an eye on the @prsnlz Twitter stream for regular updates from the show floor and (parties permitting) there will be a roundup blog on here during the event too.
Finally, let me again wish you a very Happy New Year — onwards!