On 22 March 2016, the Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) is holding a one day workshop on Additive Manufacturing with lasers in metals at Cranfield University.
The day will include presentations from researchers in this field, a vendor forum where manufacturers of 3D printing machines will present “what’s new” in the marketplace and end user case studies. Professor Kyogoku from Kinki University in Japan will present the status and outlook of additive manufacturing in Japan.
Presentations will include innovative applications for precious metal 3D jewellery by Frank Cooper from BCU, and an explanation of the time-saving use of 3D printing in plastics and metals by Alex Berry of Sutrue and Mr. Richard Trimlett, a consultant cardiac surgeon with the Royal Brompton Hospital who have been working on semi-automatic suturing device iterations – where 3D printing has saved time and money in the design process allowing multiple generations of prototype to be quickly tested out.
There will also be the latest information about hybrid manufacturing and news from Carl Hauser of TWI in the UK and Didier Boisselier of IREPA in France.
A networking lunch with related exhibitors is included, and a tour of the Cranfield Welding Labs is available to all delegates.
Details of the event and how to register can be found here: http://bit.ly/AILU_AM_Cranfield