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Blending real world with 3D prints
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Amazing 3D prints blended with the real world
WE LOVE THIS! 3D printing has many practical uses; from fixing things around the home to creating replacement skull fragments, but what about art? We’re not sure if a Yoda bust counts as art but this creation by Greg Petchkovsky sure does.
Blending a real object with a 3D print is something artist, Greg has been interested in for a while; this experiment with a sandstone block and Lego is absolutely terrific.
Petchkovsky has detailed his process on Instructables. Starting with a chipped sandstone wall, a Canon point and shoot camera and Agisoft Photoscan software, Greg built up a 3D model of the sandstone block. From there he was able to design a blend of the wall and Lego pieces which fitted perfectly into the chipped block.
The object was printed by Shapeways (confusingly in their Sandstone material), being the perfectionist Greg is, he touched it up with a little bit of paint and varnish, the results are quite spectacular, we look forward to seeing what’s next from this creative spirit.
Take a look at the time-lapse video from inception to the finished product. Remarkable stuff.