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3D Cup from www.cartridgesave.co.uk
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James Woodcock
Northern Quarter
It's not always like this in the Northern Quarter. Except the sky. That's always that colour.
When I got the call from Cartridgesave.co.uk I must admit my heart sank — not another 2D printer company that's mis-understood what we're all about? But, to my embarrassed delight, they not only get it, they're getting in on it with their own 3D printing competition. At the end of the skirmish lies a MakerBot 2X. The kicker? It's only open to those of us fortunate enough to have been born or migrated to the North West of England...
To enter the competition you will need to a) move to somewhere in the North West, b) register on the website (deets below), c) design a Super Hero that can be printed out on the MakerBot Replicator 2X, d) hopefully end up playing Top Trumps with your character in the 'fight night' in Manchester's Northern Quarter.
My advice: take it with a pinch of salt, and have some fun.
See the full release below for more information:
cartridgesave.co.uk is today issuing a challenge to the North West’s most talented creatives to go head-to-head to design a 3D action hero.
Designers, artists, students and hobbyists are being invited to register at www.cartridgesave.co.uk/3dprintcup to compete either in teams or individually and create an original character that will be printed out in 3D using a state-of-the-art Makerbot Replicator 2x, plus feature in a tale-of-the-tape wrap party on 11th July 2013.
As well as a great networking opportunity with North-West talent, the 3D Print Cup will offer many designers hands-on experience with a 3D printer for the first time. Furthermore all participants get the chance to showcase their 3D designs and the overall winner on the night will win the Makerbot 3D printer, worth £2,000.
The launch event takes place on 13th June 2013 and participants have two weeks to design their character and equip it with a set of fighting skills that will enable it to defeat the competition on ‘fight night’ in Manchester’s Northern Quarter.
cartridgesave.co.uk, the UK’s largest online printer cartridge retailer, has thrown down the gauntlet to creative agencies and freelancers in order to explore the opportunities around 3D printing. Each entrant will get hands on time with the Makerbot Replicator 2x and will be offered support at a workshop day during the 2-week design window.
Designers without 3D experience are still encouraged to register and attend the launch event where a mix of design talents will be looking to network and forge new teams to take on the North West’s finest agencies and freelancers and ensure their creation is crowned the ultimate 3D hero.
Designs will be printed ahead of the wrap event and given back to the design teams to perfect before attending the world’s first 3D-printed character ‘fight night’.
Registration for the launch event and entry guidelines for the competition can be found at www.cartridgesave.co.uk/3dprintcup.
Ian Cowley, Managing Director of cartridgesave.co.uk comments, “3D printing has existed for some time now, but we are yet to see anyone exploit its potential and have some real fun with it. We know there’s some real talent in the North West and we want the 3D challenge cup to be a fun networking opportunity and a very competitive battle!”