FabCafe Gummies
If the communist sceptic in you cries out that Valentine’s day is a holiday manufactured by card retailers to boost sales at a slow time of the year then you’re going to be outraged by White Day.
White Day is celebrated in Japan precisely one month after Valentine’s and is aimed at the male in a traditional relationship. In Japan Valentine’s day is a bit of a one way street in which the male buys gifts for the female and not vice-a-versa (sounds like my partner celebrates the Japanese version too), of course the fellas have had to get their own back in the shape of White Day.
And talking of shapes what better way to celebrate White Day than with a 3D printed gummy version of yourself? Crazy cats FabCafe had a huge amount of success and publicity with their one-day Valentine’s event whereby one could get a chocolate version of your face in lollipop form. Naturally they’ve followed up with a White Day event in which you can scan your entire body and then get a candy version of yourself for 9,000 Yen (about $100 or £68).
Unfortunately there are only so many spaces at the event and the flight to Tokyo might set you back a bit, but still, FabCafe continue to impress with their 3D Printing events. The café lets you enjoy top quality food and beverages at the same time as experiencing the latest in cutting edge technology.
The process of creating your gummy likeness uses a Breuckmann bodySCAN to scan your body, then is put into Freeform 3D Modeling Software and squirted out using a 3D Systems ProJet, so they’re certainly not scrimping on the components but whether I’d want a £68 jelly of myself is another question. Perhaps if it were a whole pack…