TCT Awards 2019 pr image
Rapid News Publications has announced the finalists for the 2019 TCT Awards, with early bird tickets available up until August 15th.
TCT Awards is an annual celebration of the world's leading projects and innovators in the 3D printing, additive manufacturing and design and engineering industries. Hosted by tech journalist and presenter Georgie Barrat, the ceremony will cover categories across a range of industries including medical, aerospace, automotive and consumer products, and feature projects and innovations from the likes of BMW, Ford, Whirlpool, Sauber, Etihad and Riddell.
Award winners will be selected by the esteemed TCT Expert Advisory Board, which is comprised of highly regarded 3D technology experts, and announced at the ceremony on the night of September 25th.
Other highlights of the evening will include the induction of the latest member to the prestigious TCT Hall of Fame, as well as the brand new Women in 3D Printing Innovator Award. This year's ceremony also sees the introduction of two new awards to recognise developments in the metrology and inspection arena: The Inspex Application Award and the Inspex Hardware Award. Attendees can also look forward to the announcement of the winner of the of the Rising Star Award, which acknowledges an up and coming business who is deemed to have had a breakthrough year.
The event will take place at the National Conference Centre (NCC) in Birmingham, on the 25th of September 2019. If you wish to join us in recognising the achievements of these industry leaders and enjoy an evening celebrating the successes of design-to-manufacturing innovation, book your tickets here. For further information on TCT Awards visit: www.tctawards.com
A full list of the TCT Award categories and 2019 finalists follows.
TCT Aerospace Application Award
- Etihad Interior Panel | Tech lead: BigRep GmbH | End user: Etihad Airways Engineering
- Fixed Wing UAV | Tech lead: Custom Prototypes
- Retrofitted Seats | Tech lead: BigRep GmbH | End user: Dassault Systèmes
- Rocket Engine Combustion Chamber | Tech lead: Frazer-Nash Manufacturing | End user: Skyrora | Partners: Renishaw
- VeriPart Digital Supply Chain | Tech lead: Moog Inc | End user: Air New Zealand | Partners: Microsoft; ST Engineering
TCT Automotive Application Award
- Automated Design of Jigs and Fixtures | Tech lead: trinckle | End user: Ford Motor Company | Partners: Ultimaker B.V.
- Digitally Manufactured End-Use Parts: Tech lead: Carbon | End user: Ford Motor Company
- LED Headlights | Tech lead: Betatype | Partners: Progressive technology; Renishaw; EOS
- Metal F1 Wind Tunnel Components | Tech lead: Additive Industries | End user: Sauber Motorsport AG
- PSPM Ball-joint Exhaust System | Tech lead: Poly-Shape | End user: Pipo Moteurs
- Series-like Car Dashboard | Tech lead: BMW Group
TCT Consumer Application Award
- Choose Water | Tech lead: Luma iD Ltd | End user: Choose Water Ltd | Partners: 3DPrintUK
- Home Appliance Spare Parts | Tech lead: Spare Parts 3D | End user: Whirlpool EMEA
- Precision Diamond Helmet Liner | Tech lead: Carbon | End user: Riddell
- Titanium Watch Strap | Tech lead: Betatype | End user: Uniform Wares | Partners: Renishaw
TCT Creative Application Award
- A Dark Tour of the Universe | Tech lead: BMW Group | End user: European Southern Observatory
- Church Retable | Tech lead: FIT AG | End user: Pfarrei St Laurentius Altmuhldorf | Partners: Kunstlerdo Empfangshalle Munchen; Studio Tessin
- Met Gala 2019 Fashion Pieces | Tech lead: Protolabs and GE Additive | End user: Jourdan Dunn; Nina Dobrev; Katie Holmes; Julia Garner; Deepika Padukone | Partners: House of Z
- Plastic Pedestrian Bridge | Tech lead: Polymaker | End user: Shanghai Municipal City Government | Partners: Shanghai Construction Group
- Replica Dragon Conservation Project | Tech lead: 3D Systems | End user: Historic Royal Palaces | Partners: Paul Jewby Master Carver
- The Green Man Sculpture | Tech lead: VoxelJet UK | End user: Arthology | Partners: Studio Reckoner; London Bronze Casting
TCT Hardware Award - Non-polymer systems
- CFC Technology | Tech lead: Anisoprint S.a.r.l
- Freeform Injection Molding | Tech lead: AddiFab ApS
- HP Metal Jet | Tech lead: HP Inc
- LENS 860 | Tech lead: Optomech
- Sapphire Metal Printer | Tech lead: VELO3D
TCT Hardware Award - Polymer systems
- BigRep Pro | Tech lead: BigRep
- Everes | Tech lead: Sisma
- L1 Production System | Tech lead: Carbon
- LithoProf3D-GSII | Tech lead: Multiphoton Optics GmbH
- Low Force Stereolithography | Tech lead: Formlabs
- Method | Tech lead: MakerBot
- Micro AM | Tech lead: Nanofabrica
- RoboxPRO | Tech lead: CEL UK
- Silicone Additive Manufacturing Technology | Tech lead: Spectroplast AG
- Ultimaker S5 | Tech lead: Ultimaker
TCT Healthcare Application Award
- Biometric Regenerative Scaffold | Tech lead: Osteopore International Pte Ltd | End user: Queensland Univeristy of Technology | Partners: Julius-Maximilians University Wurzburg; Princess Alexandra Hospital, Australia
- Brain Aneurysm Surgery Aid | Tech lead: Axial 3D | End user: Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
- Isolating Breast Cancer Stem Cells | Tech lead: BCN3D Technologies | End user: University of Girona
- Neuroinfuse Drug Delivery System | Tech lead: Renishaw | End user: North Bristol NHS Trust | The Harley Street Clinic; Herantis Pharma plc
- Printed Pills | Tech lead: Added Scientific Ltd | Partners: Xaar plc; Astra Zeneca
TCT Industrial Application Award
- Circular Saw for Gas Turbine Repair | Tech lead: Markforged | End user: Siemens
- Crop Spray Nozzle | Tech lead: Paragon Rapid Technologies | End user: Agrifac Machinery BV | Partners: Carbon
- Generatively Designed AM Workholding | Tech lead: Matsuura Machinery Ltd | Partners: Autodesk; HP
- Industrial Robot Dough Cutting Knife | Tech lead: K3D B.V | End user: Kaak Group | Partners: Additive Industries; Civon Project
- L-Series Direct Drive Valve | Tech lead: Domin Fluid Power
- ViridiScope Laser Sampling Tool | Tech lead: Quigley Design | End user: Viridian Consultants | Partners: 3D Systems; Materialise; Arkk; Pro2Pro; 3DPrintUK
TCT Inspex Application Award
- Heritage Forensics | Tech lead: University of Warwick | End user: Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- Nadcap Accredited 3DSL Measurement | Tech lead: Physical Digital Ltd | Partners: GOM
- Non-Destructive Imaging in Forensics | Tech lead: University of Warwick | End user: West Midlands Police | Partners: Crown Prosecution Service; University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire
- The Coracles of Ironbridge | Tech lead: The 3D Measurement Company Ltd | End user: Ironbridge Heritage Trust
TCT Inspex Hardware Award
- Artec Micro | Tech lead: Artec
- FARO OPTOR LAB | Tech lead: Faro
- Ophir BeamWatch AM | Tech lead: MKS Instruments
TCT Materials Award - Non-polymers
- ABD-900AM | Tech lead: OxMet Technologies Ltd
- Vibenite 480, Cemented Carbide | Tech lead: VBN Components AB | Partners: Uppsala University
- XJet S100 Soluble Support | Tech lead: XJet
- ZTi-Powder | Tech lead: Z3DLAB SAS | Partners CNRS LSPM Laboratory
TCT Materials Award - Polymers
- Essentium TPU 74D-Z | Tech lead: Essentium Inc
- Filamentive ONE PET | Tech lead: Filamentive Ltd | Partners: Tridea; MCPP Netherlands
- Formlabs Draft Resin | Tech lead: Formlabs
- SABIC's AMS31F Support Filament | Tech lead: SABIC | Partners: DM Digital Solutions; RP+M; 3NTR
- Windform P1 | Tech lead: CRP Technology
TCT Post-processing Award
- B9Clean | Tech lead: B9 Creations
- H6000 | Tech lead: Hirtenberger Engineered Surfaces
- Intelligent De-powdering | Tech lead: Siemens AG | Partners: Solukon Maschinebau GmbH
- M3 Digital | Tech lead: Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH | Partners: AM Solutions
- SLA Resin Removal Solution | Tech lead: Post Process Technologies Inc
TCT Software Award
- AM Part Identifier | Tech lead: 3YOURMIND | Partners: Deutsche Bahn; Bosch Group
- Blacksmith | Tech lead: Markforged
- DNAam | Tech lead: Valuechain Technology Ltd | Partners: Zenith Tecnica Ltd
- Dyndrite Additive Toolkit | Tech lead: Dyndrite Corporation
- Fab Flow | Tech lead: Desktop Metal
- nTop Platform | Tech lead: nTopology
TCT Rising Star Award
- Due to the unique nature of this award, there will be no shortlist and the winner will be announced at the awards ceremony on the 25th September 2019.