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The Liberator: 3D Printed Gun
In the 80s and 90s the crack epidemic swept the US, crime rates soared and the US, New York in particular, became synonymous for crime. Since then New York has worked hard on lowering the crime rate, it has steadily decreased to its lowest point since the 60s and they’re not about to let a 3D printed gun change that.
Though DEFCAD's Liberator probably isn’t a real concern to the crime rate, it hasn’t stopped City Councilman Lew Fidler setting out a new piece of legislation making it illegal to make the weapons without a gunsmith’s license (a license which Cody Wilson does have) and for anybody who owns the plastic shooter to register it with the NYPD.
He told the New York Daily News “If left unregulated, these would be weapons without histories — potentially no identifying marks or sales histories,” Fidler said. “We wouldn't even know these weapons exist, until they were fired.”
Though some are suggesting that the Brooklyn Democrat’s bill is just headline grabbing and will not make any difference; the NYPD say that no matter what material anyone making a gun needs a license and gun owners already must register their firearms.
It is difficult to see what difference a bill is going to make, the gun blueprints are readily available on the internet and what with New York being the ‘Capital of 3D Printing’, according to New York Digital Officer Rachel Hoat, so are 3D printers.