RangeVision PRO 2M
The RangeVision PRO 2M 3D scanner.
RangeVision, a developer of structured-light 3D scanners, is to present its latest 3D scanning solutions at TCT Show from Stand B37.
These include the PRO 2M and Spectrum devices which have both been released in the last 12 months.
The PRO 2M falls into RangeVision’s PRO family of 3D scanners, which are said to be capable of digitising objects of different shapes and sizes simply by switching between four scanning zones. Equipped with 2Mpix or 5Mpix industrial cameras, meaning: “The user can select the equipment depending on the desired outcome,” according to Yuri Chaykin, founer and CEO of RangeVision 3D Scanners. “Owing to the superior calibration, both models produce excellent results, while offering an optimal price/ quality ratio.”
RangeVision say the Pro 2M 3D scanner is being used in manufacturing and design, as well as reverse engineering, quality control, education, art, and jewellery, such is its flexibility. The company also owes this range of application to the scanner’s ability to provide highly detailed data from complex, intricate, and freeform geometries of different-sized objects with the accuracy up to 0.018mm and 3D resolution up to 0.03mm.
Developed with speed and simplicity in mind, RangeVision has aimed for low user engagement, which is enabled thanks to an updated design, a quicker transition between scanning zones, and the lack of need to adjust the projector. In similar vein, the Spectrum scanner also prides itself on its ease of use. The semi-professional device is based on structured light technology and has three scanning zones, equipped with 3.1Mpix industrial colour cameras.
The Spectrum is able to digitise complex surface object geometries with high 3D resolution, achieving an accuracy of up to 0.04mm. It is intended for companies which seek to digitise objects of various shapes and different sizes, and much like the Pro 2M, has been used for design and manufacturing, education, reverse engineering, and art. With accessories included, the Spectrum weigh less than 23lbs, enabling easy transportations.
RangeVision will be present at TCT Show for the duration of the event, showcasing both the Pro 2M and Spectrum scanners from Stand B37.