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3D Printer Experience
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The 3D Printer Experience
3D printing stores are popping up in the four corners of the globe, from Beirut to the former USSR. We’ve talked at great length about the opening of the world’s largest store in London at the end of this month, but while we’ve been doing that another nifty looking outlet has popped up in Chicago.
It may sound like the name of a band but The 3D Printer Experience, Chicago, Illinois opened this week with displays of over 20 3D printers in action. Printers include, the two MakerBot Replicatiors, the UP! Mini and an industrial EOS Formiga P110 for their professional service.
Amongst the standard gallery of 3D printed objects includes the now world famous 3D printed violin that adorned the front of The Economist with the headline "Print me a Stradivarius".
Local listings website The Thrillist went along to the store to get "long-time nerd" Nick Johnson's head scanned and 3D printed. Check out the video.
Not only is the store offering novel services, like scanning and printing your own head and an online pendant maker app, but they are also offering workshops to teach the folk of the Windy City how to prepare 3D models for printing. From an “intro to 3D scanning” to “Make your own iPhone cases”, the classes cost $70-$79 and require you to have your own laptop with software pre-installed.
Depending on the success of these stores expect to see a lot more coming down the road in the coming year.