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The Cube in Harrods
The 3D Printer is now on the Third Floor of the upmarket department store.
We could argue all day about whether 3D printers will end up in every home, you just have to watch Nick Allen’s debate on the matter at TCT Show to see how it splits people down the middle. It seems, however, that 3D Systems are getting the ball rolling by at least getting a 3D printer onto every high street in the hope of getting one in every home.
The 3D printing giants have secured some pretty lofty distribution partners to resell their plug-and-play Cube printer, from Staples to Currys you can pretty much guarantee if you live within reach of a high street in the United Kingdom you can be in reach of a Cube.
3D Systems’ latest distribution channel can be seen as somewhat of a coup as the printer is in Greatest British store of them all, Harrods. With Selfridges muscling in on the 3D printing act with iMakr and Makies, it was only a matter of time before Harrods unveiled 3D printing in their Harrods Technology department on the third floor of the Knightsbridge department store.
Harrods is famed for its expensive, upmarket goods – the store was in the news recently for its £20,000 Christmas hamper – so we’d imagine being the first consumer 3D printer in the world famous department store will make Avi Reichental and co. very happy.
Priced at £1,249 it isn’t quite at the level in which everyone can afford one for the home but it is clear by the sheer number and size of the retail outlets now offering 3D printing that there is a demand.
Will 3D printers be in every home? And if so will they be used or shoved to the back of cupboards like the sandwich toasters and breadmakers of the world? Let us know what you think in the comments below.