What's in a name? Well, in ours there is more than you might think!
For a start, this is the dictionary.com definition of personalize:
verb (used with object), per·son·al·ized, per·son·al·iz·ing.
1. to have marked with one's initials, name, or monogram: to personalize stationery.
2. to make personal, as by applying a general statement to oneself.
3. to ascribe personal qualities to; personify.
4. to design or tailor to meet an individual's specifications, needs, or preferences: a personalized search engine; personalized learning.
So, it's all about you: your needs, your wants, your desires. These days having 'stuff' isn't what it's about. Having things that you can truly call your own, that no one else has — that's the future. That's cool! In these days of consumerism and globalism it's easy to be drawn into buying mass manufactured disposable products. But to have something special, personal and lasting — that's the future.
You may notice that (most of the time) we write in British English — old habits die hard. But there's a Z (a Zed or a Zee depending on your mother tongue) in the site name, how come? Simply this: what separates 3D printing from 2D printing is the Z axis. That's the measure of the 'height' of your personalized object. Without Z you have only X and Y, which means your stuck in the flat, boring, 2D world.
And the .me — well that's obvious, you're the one here!