Keep Calm
The “3D printed gun” story went viral last week. Anyone that follows me on twitter will have will have been privy to my thoughts on this story as it broke, summed up by the hash tag #notquite3Dprintingagun.
This is not going to be a long post just a couple of signposts towards perspective:
Everything I said in my post of 17th July – 3D Printing for Better or for Worse, referring to the handcuff keys, applies here too.
I’d like to point you to Josh Mings’ take on this — the most grounded post on this story that I’ve read to date. Some of the subsequent comments also back up many of the points that I made via Twitter, most notably about the acquisition of 3D data. This is where attention needs to be focused IMHO.
As for Senor Plumas – whoever he is — I’d really like to meet him!