3D Systems
Surgeons delivering enhanced surgical treatments using 3D Systems’ VSP (Virtual Surgical Planning).
3D Systems and Stryker, one of the world’s leading medical technology firms, have entered an exclusive distribution partnership which concerns craniomaxillofacial procedures.
The two companies are combining their respective Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) and craniomaxillofacial proficiencies in a bid to enhance the experience of medical professionals harnessing contemporary manufacturing methods. Focusing on VSP and anatomical models for the craniomaxillofacial specialty, the partnership will look to accelerate the availability of personalised surgical planning and techniques, which can save hours of time for surgeons and patients alike.
VSP is 3D Systems’ FDA-approved service-based approach to personalised surgery, bringing together its expertise in medical imaging, surgical simulation and 3D printing. It enables surgeons to set out their plans in an online web meeting with a 3D Systems biomedical engineer, simulate and strategize the surgical procedure. The resulting digital plan is then transferred to the operating room via 3D printed patient-specific models, guides and templates. The VSP service has been provided by 3D Systems in more than 100,000 cases according to the company.
In similar vein to VSP, Stryker’s craniomaxillofacial business specialises in providing patient-specific options to help enhance the efficiency in surgical suites. A Fortune 500 company, Stryker is one of the largest MedTech companies in the industry. As have many players within the MedTech market, Stryker has sought to align itself with those operating in the additive manufacturing field – last year it partnered with GE Additive, before investing in an Australian implant research project. Now partnering with 3D Systems, a leader in its own field, the goal is to provide a superior level of service to healthcare professionals using 3D printing and VSP in craniomaxillofacial procedures.
“Collaborating with surgeons to deliver the best possible outcomes is of the utmost importance to our company,” commented Kevin McAlea, Executive Vice President, General Manager, Metals and Healthcare, 3D Systems. “With the advancement of 3D printing, combined with the surgeon’s ability to use our Virtual Surgical Planning and anatomical modelling technologies, a patient’s life can be forever changed. It provides surgeons with the ability to have a clear 3D visualisation of a patient’s anatomy and to develop a customised surgical plan prior to even entering the operating room.”
“This partnership allows us to better support the rapidly evolving needs of our customers and accelerate innovation in the area of personalised medicine,” added David Mercado, Vice President and General Manager, Stryker. “We are very pleased that 3D Systems chose us as their long-term collaborator in this space.”