Auto-fix with a single click.
Design and modelling software developer LimitState has released a new version of its software application, LimitState:FIX, which automatically fixes 3D model STL files for 3D printing.
Utilising the unique Polygonica technology from world-renowned engineering software firm MachineWorks, LimitState:FIX transforms the productivity of professionals in additive manufacturing and 3D printing.
The latest release of LimitState:FIX has undergone several enhancements and bug fixes to make it more robust than ever. The software now uses the new 1.2 version of the Polygonica engine which means LimitState:FIX now benefits from enhanced automated healing of complex meshes. Users now have a choice of techniques for closing solids including 'planar', 'minimum area' and 'smooth' for different desired results. The output accuracy has also been improved as the software now uses four decimal place precision when outputting STL files, improving compatibility with other additive manufacturing software, such as Netfabb and Magics.
In addition to this, 'Noise Shell' purging in the Auto Fix process has been enhanced, so that the software now only removes very small, likely spurious, objects by default. Alternatively users can set the threshold for removing noise shells manually, as previously.
LimitState:FIX still provides both a ‘one click’ automatic fix solution for 3D STL files, and sophisticated manual fixing processes. The software closes solids, fixes polygon orientation, removes self-intersections and noise shells, and ensures the geometry is manifold.
The software offers different price points for various user levels. For bureaux and enterprises the software costs £2,999 per user for a perpetual license and for small design and engineering firms and end users it is just £499 per user. However, customers purchasing the software before 30th April will benefit from reduced pricing - the Enterprise license is £2,099 and the Maker price is £399.