Lithoz welcomes EOS CEO, Dr. Hans J. Langer.
Lithoz, the world’s first system provider for the additive manufacturing of high performance ceramics, has announced a new partnership with founder and CEO of EOS, Dr. Hans J. Langer.
The CEO of the world-leading name in the field of laser sintering has invested in the company to push the unique technology Lithoz holds in producing high quality and fully functional ceramic components.
“With Lithoz we have found a competent partner who will complement our product range ideally in the future,” said Dr. Hans J. Langer. “While EOS is the world leader in the field of laser sintering of metals and plastics, the technology of Lithoz will open up a variety of new technical applications in the field of high performance ceramics.”
High performance ceramics are becoming increasingly useful in the medical industry. Lithoz recently developed a material called LithaBone, a bone replacement material with similar reparative growth and mineral properties of human bone.
"Because of their outstanding properties, high-performance ceramics are used wherever other materials fail,” said Dr. Johannes Patzer, CTO and founder of Lithoz. “This applies, for example, to components that are used in corrosive environments or components that are exposed to extreme environments and high temperatures."
Lithoz has also moved to a new premise in Mollardgasse in Vienna to accommodate the increasing demand for their products. The move comes just in time for the company’s three year anniversary.
“Now we have more room at our disposal and we can take our research and development even further with new and innovative applications,” said Dr. Patzer. “This makes it possible to expand, especially in the area of specialised customer solutions.”