Somos working on new material in collaboration with EnvisionTEC.
Since September last year, materials company Somos has been collaborating with EnvisionTEC on the development of a range of high-performance materials for the 3D printing leader's 3SP series of machines.
Whilst the 3D printing community is currently congregating in St. Louis for the annual Additive Manufacturing User Group Conference, the company has revealed that they’re making great progress in the alpha testing phase for a new material designed for the 3SP printer series and now ready to move into beta.
Full details in the release below:
Somos and EnvisionTEC are working closely to develop game-changing solutions for the 3SP series of large frame 3D printers offered by EnvisionTEC.
As Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, announces that its Somos business, a world leader in Additive Manufacturing materials, has moved into a beta phase for its collaborative program with EnvisionTEC, a world leader in professional grade 3D Printing equipment.
Somos and EnvisionTEC are working closely to develop game-changing solutions for the 3SP series of large frame 3D printers offered by EnvisionTEC. Excellent results have been achieved in the alpha testing phase for a new, high-performance material designed to be durable with high-detail resolution and dimensional stability. The next step will involve the beta testing of this material with one of EnvisionTEC’s key customers.
“Great progress has been made in the collaborative partnership with Somos,” says John Hartner, Chief Operating Officer EnvisionTEC. “We are excited to test this developmental material with one of our strategic customers that is looking to make very large parts with high detail. We believe they will be as excited as we are with the performance of the 3SP printer and this material.”
“This is just the start of the collaboration between us,” says Melissa Lutz, Business Director Somos. “We are thrilled to be working with EnvisionTEC to bring new solutions to the 3D printing industry.”