From today the leading 3D printing, additive manufacturing and product development publication, TCT Magazine + Personalize, will be available free-of-charge across the globe through a brand new Android app on Google Play and an update to the existing app on the iOS App Store. The magazine, published 6 times a year, will continue to deliver the same industry defining content that has now been in print for over two decades — but will now be accessible to the vast majority of smartphone and tablet users wherever and whenever they need it.
TCT's Group Editor and Conference Director, Jim Woodcock, commented: "The communications and 3D printing industries are evolving at a significant pace and TCT is committed to remaining at the cutting edge of both. This latest development allows us to inspire, inform and entertain a wider audience than ever about the real world of 3D printing, additive manufacturing and product development. TCT is now active in Europe, USA and Asia through its events and partnerships, and it's only natural that we want to ensure that this expanded audience has the same access to our business-critical coverage that our European readers have enjoyed since 1992."
The most recent issue of TCT contains a 10-page special feature on the use of 3D printing and additive manufacturing in jewellery, commentary from Stratasys' Chairman and CIO Scott Crump, a four-page exposé on EOS GmbH and its journey so far, a 3D printed bike from Renishaw and Empire Cycles, a look at Arburg's freeformer live from the K Show, and a review of TCT Show + Personalize.
Readers can download magazines on a per-issue basis or make use of the free subscription service to ensure they are made aware of all future free content at the earliest opportunity. A back catalogue is available to download with issues dating back to April 2012 as well as the most recent Additive Manufacturing Machine Buyers' Guide.
To access the new app and start downloading the back catalogue of TCT Magazine + Personalize, simply search TCT + Personalize in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.