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Print Your SambaCan in your nation's colours
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Use the SambaCan to keep your drink cool
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When empty snap off the lid and use as an instrument
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Shake your SambaCan
Cast your minds back four years ago - MakerBot, Fab@Home and RepRap were known to only a select handful of über geeks and South Africa was hosting the first African World Cup to the sound of that infernal vuvuzela.
The two bore no relation to one another but fast-forward to the present day and 3D Hubs, product design firm Kiva Kuva have joined forces with the ever creative 3D printer Nanning de Jong of 3Dwergen to make the ultimate 3D printable world cup instrument.
The official instrument of the 2014 World Cup is actually the caxirola but seeing as it has been banned from stadiums for its resemblance to a grenade and its ornate chuckability – which was demonstrated in a Brazilian club match between Vitoria and Bahia, we need another World Cup instrument: Introducing the SambaCan.
SambaCan is a 3D printable drinking can holder and instrument in one; not only does it keep your beer/soft drink (let’s face it, beer) from warming up as you tensely grip it in your hands as your team get a last gasp penalty, but after your done drinking and the goal has gone in, you can break off the ring pull, place it inside your can and use it as a sort of maraca to your heart's content.
The printed files are available on YouMagine, but if you don’t have access to a 3D printer, you can order it directly on 3D Hubs and have it printed by somebody in your community. 3D Hubs are urging their members to get creative and to see users print the SambaCan off in their own national colours!
By the time Russia 2018 comes around 3D printing might well just be as natural to us as 2D printing is, we could be printing new eardrums after ours have burst from over use of SambaCans.