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Moedls 3D scanning on your smartphone
Engadget have announced the semi-finalists to their Insert Coin Awards, a competition aimed at independent innovators. The winner of the invention-fest receives a cash prize, an Engadget review plus all of the publicity that comes with that exposure in order to help them get their product to market.
Amongst the diverse selection of ten semi-finalists, including radiators, swimming robots and keyless doorknobs, is something of interest to us here at Personalize, Moedls is a 3D scanner for your smartphone. There have been a few variations on the Kinnect theme, but very little in terms of comprehensive capture on your phone. Autodesk and others have 3D capturing devices for your phone but they aren’t technically scanning.
Coupled with a line laser and rotating platform the app captures a point cloud of almost anything and exports out a fully meshed model for you to then build upon or potentially 3D print. As you can see in the video the head model is captured using an iPhone 3GS’ 3.2 megapixel camera, so we’re guessing that with the release of the Android app you could potentially put this 3D scanner kit together for relatively little.
Inventor John Fehr designed the kit to capture his daughter’s art sculptures in digital form, the prototype he put together cost him under $300. The Dutch software engineer-cum-inventor had previously attempted to launch an eclectic mix of projects on Kickstarter including a successfully funded magnetic catapult and an unsuccessfully funded app for storing sensitive documents and photos.
UPDATE: Moedls have now got their project up and running on Kickstarter, they are looking $105,000 investment, it has already attracted 10% of its required level to get the product in to the mass market. Funding ends on the 2nd May. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jfehr/moedls-mobile-3d-scanning-for-everyone
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