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Declare your allegiance
If you fancy keeping hold of your head for any period of time you're probably only best seen in the GoT universe with a iPhone 5 case bearing the sigil of King Joffrey's family Baratheon.
Get it here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:111814
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GoT music box
Haven't had enough of the ridiculously long title sequence and music? Print your own parametric music box that sort of sounds like the Ramin Djawadi's opening sequence.
Get the file here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:71210
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The title sequence of Game of Thrones is an elaborate three dimensional representation of the Seven Kingdoms, the favourite of most is Winterfell so much so that Executive Vice President of Research and Development at u-blox, a Swiss semiconductor company, Daniel Ammann decided to learn how to use CAD in order to make a 3D Printable version of his favourite kingdom.
Get it here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:39680
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Game of Thrones sigil coasters
Planning on playing the Game of Thrones drinking game? Best get some coasters in so as your clumsy mates don't spoil your Whispering Wood table. How better to show your colours than with a full set of Seven Kingdom Sigil coasters? Print them in two colours for full effect!
Ger them here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:290983
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Such is the descriptive content in George R.R. Martin's 'A song of Ice and Fire' novels that these two chaps were able to decipher some rules for the game of Cyvasse that the man himself describes as being " a bit of chess, a bit of blitzkrieg, a bit of stratego. Mix well and add imagination." This 3D prints consists of over 20 pieces and 2 pages of instructions so perhaps have a season marathon while it's printing out!
Get the files here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:92172/#files
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Ice, the Stark House Greatsword
Seeing as the actual sword is as wide as a man's hand and tall as an adolescent unless you've got a Mammoth or the DUS Architects printer you might want to be scaling down this accurate representation of the Stark House Greatsword.
Get the file here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:106482
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King Joffrey's crown
Though King Joffrey's claim and rise to the Iron Thrown might be, at best, considered dubious there's no doubting that he leads the Seven Kingdoms, so why not be like him by wearing his crown? Don't get caught mind, you'll have your head on a stick... again.
Get the file here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:87469
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Stark family bookmark
So you've enjoyed the first three series and taken the plunge into buying the novels? You're not going to get through the epic 4,273 pages in one sitting so what better way to signify your profess than with a Stark family bookmark?
Get it here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:87469
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Dire wolf paintbrush holder
Since the novels first appeared fan art has been an important part of the series surge to widespread popularity. If you're joining the bandwagon of wannabe artists shaping the GoT world why not use this Dire Wolf and Stark Family sigil paintbrush holder?
Get it here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:123851
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Guinea pig battle armour
It's not enough for just yourself to be in full chain mail regalia, if the dire wolves, the dragons, the horses and the ravens all bear arms then why not you trusted pet guinea pig?
Get the file here > http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:60875
Unless you’ve been North of wall cut off from the outside world you’ll know the season four of Game of Thrones (GoT) premieres in the UK this evening (it was actually aired at 2am GMT to correspond with the stateside airing). GoT fever is sweeping the globe, fans dress up as characters, bars across the globe had special screenings and patrons are playing GoT drinking games.
There’s all manner of Game of Thrones merchandise from carved crayons to scented candles but a real GoT fan, one who doesn’t even call it “Thrones” but “Song of Ice and Fire” makes their own products.
We’ve compiled a list of GoT 3D Prints for you to have and to hold until (a very abrupt) death does part, printed in time for tonight’s premier…. Just don’t try selling them or HBO will be on your case faster than a dire wolf.