i.materialise releases free iPhone 6 printable case via Thingiverse.
i.materialise releases free iPhone 6 printable case via Thingiverse.
With this week’s long awaited announcement from Apple, the Android verses iPhone fire has been very much relit with the launch of the iPhone 6 and 6+. For those already convinced and waiting for the release scheduled for 19th September i.materialise already has you covered on the accessory front with a free 3D printed iPhone 6 case download.
Designed by one of the 3D printing bureau’s top designers, Dries Vandecruys, the .STL file is available to download form Thingiverse for users to customise and create their own unique phone cover.
For those unmoved by either side of the apparent rivalry, there is always the noPhone, a 3D printed ‘device’ which dismisses calls, texts, Twitter and a camera, in favour of good old fashioned social interaction. The design, a technology-free alternative to constant hand-to-phone contact, is currently on Kickstarter at a reduced price of $12 and now comes with the added bonus of a ‘selfie’ upgrade – essentially a mirror stuck on to the noPhone.