Say you’ve got an idea for something to 3D print, you can design your product on a free service like Sketch Up but then what are your options? Currently it’s unlikely that you will own a 3D printer, or feel the desire to buy one for that one little idea you have. You’re probably best uploading it to a company like Shapeways or Sculpteo who will print it out for you at a fairly reasonable, though certainly not thrifty, price. Until 2013 that was your only real option, introducing makexyz.
makexyz is a matchmaking site that has been around since the turn of the year. They’re aiming to become the Airbnb of 3D printing, though we’ve already seen other sites like Thinkklip make such claims none have really followed through on their promise as of yet. Makexyz look like they’re about to change all that by going global.
Already somewhat of a success in the US the site connects those with 3D printers with those looking for 3D printers, those with charge a fee per cubic centimetre. The fact that the community is now spread across 17 countries means that they are way out in the lead in the race to become the Airbnb of 3D printing.