Shoe design produced via 3D modeller service.
It’s all fair and well saying 3D printing is allowing people to simply select a file, press print and that’s it but one of the key parts that’s often neglected is the 3D design process that comes before it.
For mainstream users of 3D printing there are a wealth of 3D file repositories out there that host millions of print-ready files - but what about when you want to use your own design?
For those less well-versed in 3D design skills, Materialise has introduced a new 3D modelling service which will help people turn their designs into 3D files and allow modellers to earn money along the way.
Using this new platform, designers can submit their sketches to a refined selection of 3D modellers who will then turn their ideas into 3D printable files. Keen 3D modellers are invited to offer their services via an application that will be assessed by Materialise for suitability. Once verified, a profile containing information about design experience, past clients, product examples and bio will be added to the database for artists to browse and select for their projects.

Modelling service allows users to select designer to create 3D file from sketch.
The service has already been trialled with a shoe design by Katrien Herdewyn, which could be seen on display at the Materialise World Conference, that was turned into a 3D printable model by Frederik Bussels and sent for printing at Materialise.
Users will be able to search for their 3D modeller by product categories, so whether it’s a fashion, art, architectural, furniture, product design, jewellery or engineering project, they will be able to find a designer that suits those particular needs. Designers can also make money from their 3D printed products by opening their own shop on i.materialise which already hosts many artists and makers and provides a wide variety of material options for customers to really personalise their purchases.