Lego Movie … this one’s for you.
If you too were left devastated by the travesty that was the Lego Movie missing out on so much as a nomination for the category of Best Animated Feature at the Oscars - judging by Twitter, a lot of you are - then 3D printing is offering the next best thing, the chance to 3D print now own.
Apparently the collective box office takings from Best Picture nominees at last night’s award’s ceremony was $605 million. Marvel blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy took over half of that on its own and yet didn’t receive so much as a comforting pat on the back. Did Chris Pratt run over one of the judging panellist’s cats or something? Surely Guardians' 3D printing capabilities should have bagged the movie a nomination in the props department, some of which appeared in our very own TCT Show last year.
So whether you’re planning on hosting an Oscars ‘The People’s Edit’ party for all of the unsung heroes who went home empty handed or just fancy practicing your acceptance speech in the bathroom mirror, you can download your own right now on Thingiverse.
The design was uploaded by Captain Motion co-founder Nick Lievendag who said in a post that he “printed the statue as an award to 3D printing for being the most disruptive technology that we humans have had access to for a long long time.”
3D printed in two parts at 160 microns using bronzeFill filament from ColorFabb, the original design took just over two hours to print and was finished with sanding and spray painted in gold.
Download your own for free here. Now, who will be first to create a 3D printable Lego version?