Invisible Light Network
Nu Bracelet
Kids these days hey? Not content with a pin board full of tickets stubs they have to wear those darned festival wristbands until they disintegrate under the weight of the dirt, just to display how in to music they are. If only somebody could come with a more hygienic display of one’s muso credentials….
Ladies and gentlemen may we present to you Invisible Light Network. They have developed a new way of exhibiting your musical passions, a 3D printed song bracelet called Nu.
Now bear with us while we explain this; a song is individual in many different ways, length, tempo, pitch etc. each one of these variants affects the shape of the bracelet. All variables are deciphered and put into a code (G-Code) that a 3D printer will understand, every song creates a differently designed bracelet. Nu’s custom fabrication code uses six pieces of musical data:
• The BPM of the song determines the overall complexity of the folding pattern.
• Beat emphasis determines the ratio of folding from left to right.
• Syncopation determines the ratio of folding from front to back.
• Beat intensity controls the depth of the folding pattern.
• Song length determines how far the holes extend.
• Rhythmic complexity controls the ratio of the inner ring’s folding scale to the outer ring’s folding scale.
• Frequency distribution determines the depth of the inner ring’s folding pattern.
This may seem a little bit of a frivolous idea but it is an awesome display of tech and there's possibilities for a band (it could called a Band Band! Has anyone got Chris Martin's number????) to produce a few of these as a piece of marketing. That is cool. Just imagine if your 3D printer played your favourite tune just as it was printing a bracelet of your favourite tune… has anybody got an aspirin? My head hurts.