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The Duck
The duck docked in Ocean Terminal, Hong Kong
Ocean Terminal is a key photo spot on Hong Kong’s iconic waterfront, as the name suggests it is a dock for the world’s biggest, most glamorous cruise liners set against fantastic views of the city’s sky scrapers loomed over, as they are, by Victoria Peak.
Previous ships to have docked include the Queen Elizabeth 2, The Norway, and The Canberra. Tourists and locals alike flock to see these magnificent vessels, if they were to do so now, they’d see the most unusual of vessels. A giant rubber duck.
On the morning of Wednesday, May 14 Florentijn Hofman’s giant rubber duck came 'Peking' over the horizon, headed towards Hong Kong Harbour. Since it ducked... sorry... docked at Ocean Terminal it has been embraced in a way its never felt before despite touring the world's most iconic harbours for four whole years.
Hong Kong has gone absolute quackers (sorry) for 'Rubber Duck', so much so that Toys “R” Us are having a Bye-Bye Duck 3D Party in which 3D Systems' Cubes are churning out miniature versions of the duck. Sitting in it’s own personalized Dim Sum basket complete with 3D printed nametag and birth certificate, the not so rubber ducky will set you back $488HKD (£40, €47, $62).
Though this may seem a frivolous little venture, the partnership between 3D Systems and Toys “R” Us is anything but frivolous. The very fact alone that the biggest 3D printing company in the world and the biggest toy company in the world have joined forces for a project is news enough. But the fact 3DS sent 3D printing big hitter and Personalize guest blogger Ping Fu to the launch party suggests they may want a more serious partnership with Geoffrey Giraffe and co.
It would appear, much like a duck itself, things are calm on the surface but there must have been legs paddling frantically underneath to set this partnership up as Duck fever (not to be confused with Avian Flu) took hold in Hong Kong, the duck has only been docked for one month and is set to ship out again on Sunday.
Is this partnership a blossoming one? Are 3DS going to continue to make toys for Toys "R" Us? If so how do 3D Systems intend to combat the CE issue in Europe? Watch this space…