Solidoodle Russia
Solidoodles’s Sam Cervantes has been a busy man, fresh from appearing in PBS’s documentary on the future of 3D printing his company Solidoodle hosted their first ever press conference in New York and had some quite unexpected announcements.
The buzz surrounding Solidoodle’s press conference on their facebook was somewhat centred on potentially releasing a new model, new software or perhaps even different filament material. The fact that instead of any of the above they are launching retail 3D printing “lifestyle” stores doesn’t come as much of a shock. Until, that is, you read a little further down and see that those shops will be in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan.
We’re not sure why the Brooklyn based outfit have decided on the former U.S.S.R. as a destination for 3D printing lifestyle outlets, perhaps the idea is to branch out elsewhere what with Sam’s former employers Makerbot already cornering the market on his home patch, maybe he felt the NY 3D printing scene was saturated. With this global approach in mind they have also partnered with distributers in Brazil, Canada, Korea and Japan to make the Solidoodles readily available throughout the world.
In a jam-packed press conference Solidoodle also announced:
- They have partnered up with the Georgia (that’s the U.S. one not U.S.S.R. one) Institute of Technology's Mars Society to provide this prolific space expedition research.
- They have signed a deal with the Tech Museum to exhibit the Solidoodle 3 as well as utilize the Solidoodle for education and art programs.
- Opened it's first pop up store, instantly selling out all it's printers at 3Dea's Openhouse at the Evanti Hotel.
- Joined forces with Ensemble to launch the Solidoodle Manhattan 3D Pavilion located in Bryant Park.
- The The John Ed Keeter Public Library located at 355 W. McLeroy Blvd., in Saginaw, Texas Library has become the first Public Library in Texas to have it's public use a 3d printer.
It certainly is an exciting time for Solidoodle, Sam Cervantes and co.