Amongst the most pricey of overheads for any new business is a premises. If you’re an internet business then making sure you’ve got the speeds to keep up with the rest can set you back a fair bit too. So imagine being handed both for free, for a year, in order to get your company off the ground?
Well, that’s exactly the head start Handprint have received from Brad Feld, a leading venture capitalist. Feld says on his blog, “Handprint is working on some amazing 3D printing and editing technology. We had plenty of applications for the competition – many of them very interesting – but Handprint really captured our imagination.”
Though there’s little information of what it is Handprint do in the 3D printing world, the holding page for their website says “Handprint makes 3D printing convenient. Quickly edit & print 3D models from your web browser.” This suggests to us that they could be set to replace Tinkercad?
The prize handprint have received is the use of the Feld Fiberhouse, rent-free for a year. The Fiberhouse is set amongst an upcoming startup community in Kansas, all taking advantage of Google Fiber. The Fiberhouse will come with a years free Google Fiber which achieves up to 100 times faster internet speeds than usual and is currently being trialed in Kansas City.
As for Feld, this isn’t the first time he has invested in a 3D printing company, he currently sits on the board of directors at MakerBot, so we expect something big from Handprint coming soon.