3D Printing Price Checker
If you’re following 3D printing happenings on twitter often you may have come across Jonas Neubert. Jonas is an insightful and knowledgeable chap especially in the field of 3D printing, which he should be, being a PhD graduate of Hod Lipson’s class at Cornell and all.
Jonas is a one-man-band (The Jonas Brother?), his eclectic projects include 3D printed geography, reverse engineering a 20-year-old robotic arm, postcard apps, etc... The one that stands out most though, is ‘3D Printing Price Check’ (3DPPC), a site that compares the prices of all the top 3D printing sites for your model/STL file.
It would be an insult to Jonas to call this the GoCompare or the Nextag of 3D printing as it is so much more than that, but there are obvious comparisons…
Not only does 3DPPC compare the prices using the API of top six sites; Shapeways, i.materialise, Ponoko, Sculpteo, Kraftwurx and Panashape, it also gives the option of over 135 materials with full links to that particular material’s unique properties.
All you have to do is upload your STL file and 3DPPC will do the rest, you can do the usual filtering of results, sorting etc. We’ve checked out how accurate a selection of the prices were and we can tell you they all on the money.
This is as comprehensive as a comparison site could possibly be not just in terms of 3D printing but any field, it seems Jonas has thought of everything and put it into a super-quick, easy to use web platform.