My Mini Factory
The world’s largest 3D printing store have launched an online model repository for 3D printing enthusiasts to upload and download models that are suitable for desktop 3D printers.
Immediately the thing that strikes you about iMakr's myminifactory.com is the tidy and functional layout. The site looks like there’s been an awful lot of work, and therefore money, ploughed into it.
The interface is clean and tidy, on the homepage you’re confronted with three options; downloading from a selection of designs sorted in clearly defined categories, submitting and uploading your own design, and the third and final option is the ability to request an object.
This requesting tool is the site’s USP, simply by filling out a form detailing the item you want, iMakr will contact you for more details, if they deem your object to be suitable for the rest of the My Mini Factory community then their in-house design team will design said object… for free!
The details, however, are a little vague with no pricing structure if your object is specific to you. However if you feel the object is a little out of your price range there is no obligation to move forward with your idea.
All the models available on the site are free to download for now, you’re limited to five downloads per month, which seems very reasonable considering most of the models were designed from scratch.
One of the great things about the site in comparison to others like thingiverse, is the 3D printing details that come with the model. Each model comes with a short description of how best to print the model, how complex it is, how much material it uses and the dimensions.
This is a site for 3D printable models not just 3D models, there’s no injection moulding conversions here, most models have been printed on an UP! Plus so theoretically should work on most filament based 3D printers.
We’ll be giving the service a whirl for #ThingiThursday next week.